I Will Increase Search Traffic to Your Website for $5 a Year

search traffic

For the past six years, I’ve used a service called Pingler to increase search traffic to my blog, YouTube channel, and other online properties. Pingler automatically pings websites to Google and other search engines on regular intervals, meaning that they rise in the rankings faster and new content on them gets disseminated more rapidly.

I recently upgraded to a Pingler plan that allows me to ping my websites every day (as opposed to the standard three days), as well as increasing the number of websites I can have on my account. I don’t have nearly enough websites to fill up my URL allotment, so I’m offering to ping your website(s) on my account for the rate of $5 per year.

The reason I’m offering this service is because it’s far cheaper for the average person to purchase from me than from Pingler. The plan I’m using costs over $10 a month, and if you only have one or two URLs, why pay $120 a year for something you’ll barely use? In contrast, for $5 a year, I will add your URL(s) to my account and you can sit back and enjoy the boost in your search traffic.

Additionally, you can use Pingler to increase search traffic to any web property you want. A blog, a YouTube channel, a Twitter account, an individual YouTube video or article: all of it can benefit from being pinged every day. Pinging is an easy, effortless way to increase search traffic on whatever you desire.

If you’re interested in taking advantage of my pinging service, click here to email me and use subject line “Pinging Service.” Individual URLs are $5 per year, and if you have five or more URLs, the rate is $4 for each (i.e. you’ll pay $20 instead of $25). I only have a limited number of slots available, so contact me soon.