Ah Brazil, that friendly southern land known for girls with big asses and bigger smiles. Universally acknowledged as an easy country for Westerners to score… provided they don’t mind banging prostitutes or favela rats. But what if you prefer girls who aren’t trashy and cheap?
Never fear, Roosh is here, once again.
The man’s love for Brazilian women is well-known, and Roosh’s Brazil Compendium is a compilation of all of his writing on the subject. Curious gringos will be sated, as Roosh doesn’t spare any details, telling you everything you could possibly want to know:
If the average girl in an American club ranks a 5, and in an Argentina club she ranks a 7, in Brazil she’d be somewhere between a 6 and 7. This means the average Brazilian girl is bangable, but what separates them from the others is their vibe. If you are a guy and you look at a Brazilian girl, your mind jumps to sexual thoughts much faster than usual. Since it is not because she is more attractive, I think it’s a combination of body type and body language. Having a larger than average ass helps. Argentine girls are beautiful dolls you want to show off on your arm, but Brazilian girls you want to get to the bedroom as soon as possible. American girls are a mixture, excelling at neither.
“Big deal, those girls are poor and desperate and would sleep with any gringo for a green card.” Not so fast, holmes. Unlike in most countries where being foreign is a plus, Brazil is enough of a tourist hotspot that your nationality no longer makes you exotic:
There’s a guy I knew in Rio who spoke very good Portuguese, something you’d think would increase his chances of banging a lot of Brazilians, but it hasn’t done anything of the sort because his ability is merely driving him to girls who don’t already like gringos. He has a ton of conversations in Portuguese that go absolutely nowhere. His language skill merely delays the inevitable rejection.
If you want to hit it in Brazil, you need to be aggressive and sharp looking. Hit the gym, get some good threads and don’t be a pushover. Unless your idea of a hot date is paying a dirt-poor slum girl to give you a blowjob, you’ll have to work for it almost as hard as you do in America… but the payoff is far better than what home has to offer.
If you’ve got a hankering for sweet girls with huge asses, Roosh’s Brazil Compendium is a must-buy.
Click here to buy Roosh’s Brazil Compendium.
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