Most people generally think that students go to college to work hard and learn. For many, college represents the final stage in their educational journey. After more than a decade of grade school, university is where students hone their critical thinking skills and master their chosen vocation, preparing them for a lifetime in the workforce. The increasing numbers of people going to college is seen as evidence of increased economic mobility and egalitarianism, allowing those who would have been stuck in the working class in years prior to move up in society.
However, there is a dark side to the increased popularity of college: the increasing popularity of plagiarism and cheating. An entire industry has cropped up around helping students cheat on their college essays, employing ghostwriters to write students’ papers for them and pass them off as their own work. Firms such as Peachy Essay rake in hundreds of thousands of dollars per year by providing these services.
College Cheating: Why is it So Prevalent?
Why have academic essay writing services become so popular in recent years? The answer can be seen in the changing demographics of college students. In the past, the only people who went to college were those who could afford it or those who sought to work in specific fields that required advanced knowledge. Because of this, plagiarism was far lower due to the college population being largely comprised of people who wanted to be there and were dedicated to their studies.
With the entrance of the general population into the university system, there are now many students who don’t care about learning and simply want to earn a degree as easily as possible. These students turn to essay mills because they aren’t interested in their studies and want to spend their college years partying and slacking off.
In addition to this, a large increase in foreign students is partially responsible for the popularity of plagiarism services. Many foreign students arrive at college woefully underprepared for the rigors of university study. A good portion of them cannot even speak English fluently. Essay mills help these students pass courses that they have been shunted into by their parents or society at large despite doing little to prepare them for the harshness of university life.
Finally, the Western emphasis on test scores and grades helps fuel much of the interest in essay services. GPAs are the final arbiter of a student’s achievement in college, and because of this, many students focus on earning high marks instead of actually learning material. It is possible for students to game the system by outsourcing their work to a ghostwriter instead of doing it themselves because both result in good grades, and as far as professors and employers go, grades are all that matter.
As an addendum to this, the increasing popularity of fly-by-night online colleges offering bunk degrees in business and the like is another motivator for plagiarism. Many students enrolled in these shady institutions are from lower income brackets and minority groups, working multiple jobs and raising families, and they often turn to essay services because they lack the time to do their own work and they are ill-prepared to deal with the exploitative nature of these “universities.”
How Pervasive is College Plagiarism?
College authorities have downplayed the popularity of plagiarism services because their mere existence as a multi-million dollar industry directly hurts the credibility of professors and administrators. While hard facts are hard to come by, anecdotal observations suggest that as many as half of all students have used a ghostwriter at some point. This is despite most colleges having a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism, threatening failing grades and expulsion for students who engage in it.
The reason why plagiarism is so prevalent is because college professors and administrators turn a blind eye to it. Universities have become a multi-billion dollar industry in the U.S. and other countries, and colleges are more concerned with profiting off students through loans and other fees than actually educating them. Expelling students for plagiarism means that colleges will make less money.
Make no mistake: professors, TAs, and administrators are well-aware of endemic cheating at their institutions. When foreign students who barely speak English turn in well-written and well-argued essays, even a blind man can see what’s going on. They don’t do anything about it because they want to continue making money off those students, because the higher educational system in the U.S. and other countries is corrupt to the core.
The Future of College Plagiarism
Governments so far have had a tepid response to essay mills. While some countries and local jurisdictions have outlawed plagiarism services, these laws are very rarely enforced, and many essay mills have legally rebranded in order to get around them. The U.K. government has recently begun pressuring PayPal to ban essay mills from using their platform, but drastic action has yet to be taken on any level.
The simple reality is that as long as the existing higher education model exists, plagiarism will remain profitable. Universities stand to lose financially by enforcing their plagiarism penalties or lowering their acceptance rates, meaning that they will continue to turn a blind eye to the monumental amounts of cheating their students are engaging in.
Ultimately, only a significant reform of the educational system, emphasizing knowledge over credentials and lowering the educational barriers to joining the workforce, will end essay mills for good. The burgeoning student loan crisis in the U.S. will likely force this reconfiguration by inflicting severe financial pain on both lenders and students. Until society takes a good, hard look at the corruption of higher education, essay mills such as Peachy Essay will continue to make a killing off of the laziness and dishonesty of college students.
Last Friday was my 30th birthday. It came and went inauspiciously, as I spent the bulk of it on a crummy Soviet train sitting next to a retard who kept fondling his Hungarian girlfriend. The party came later.
I’ve never been a big fan of birthdays, not because I’m afraid of aging, but because I don’t think aging is an accomplishment. Wow, you survived another orbit around the sun. Big whoop. Last year was the first time in years that I threw a proper birthday party at my home (as opposed to just meeting up with my friends at a bar), and it was partly motivated by the fact that I had a large-enough (and centrally-located) apartment to throw a party in.
Even now, I don’t really feel like I’ve passed some major milestone. I’ve always been an “old soul,” lacking the exuberant, boneheaded energy of youth. An ex-girlfriend once described me as “20 going on 40,” and when I wrote the blog In Mala Fide nearly a decade ago (!), many readers assumed I was in my forties due to the “verisimilitude” of my writing style. Granted, I did dumb and crazy stuff when I was younger, but my actions were tempered by a calmness and perspective that most young men lack. Maybe it was because I spent my teenage years reading instead of getting laid.
That said, as I’ve gotten older, I have changed some of my habits. For example, I used to drink constantly; now I only have a beer or two when I’m out with friends. I used to pound a couple of beers or glasses of wine before recording my podcast; now I do live shows completely sober. Part of this is due to the fact that my body can no longer shrug off the effects of heavy drinking; if I wake up with a hangover, I’m useless the rest of the day. However, I’ve also been surrounded by alcoholics my entire life and I’ve resolved to not end up like them.
Other changes are more subtle. I now strive to wake up early in the morning instead of sleeping in, I’ve traded gluttony for fitness with a pair of kettlebells, and I’ve focused my dating life towards wifely women instead of dissolute good-time girls. My writing focus has gone from politics to literature as I work to build the greatest book publisher and literary magazine on the Internet, and my style has gone from outrageous trolling to more subtle shivs.
A friend once told me a story of how a Catholic priest told her that life was like having a ball and chain around your leg steadily pulling you towards death. She thought the story was morbid, but as I grow older, I can see where the priest was coming from. As I age, I can feel time passing faster, as each year seems shorter than the last. I don’t have any health problems—indeed, I’d say I’m in pretty good health considering that I’m overweight—but mortality is increasingly at the back of my mind.
I’ve also watched myself and my friends age out of hipness. Back around the turn of the decade, blogging was the main means that people like me reached our audiences. What my friends and I call the “Manosphere Class of ’10” (bloggers like Roosh, Roissy etc.) were movers and shakers back during the height of the Obama years, triggering lefties and cucks left and right. But in 2018, the younger half of the millennials (mistakenly called “Generation Z” even though GenZ doesn’t begin until 2004, going by The Fourth Turning) have moved onto to YouTube streams and Twitter shitposting, with a new wave of figures like Nick Fuentes and Reviewbrah who are perfectly tailored to that medium. While I do my own live streams, I’m a dinosaur compared to these guys, and I don’t expect to be able to outpace them.
Not that I really want to. I’ve always been a writer first and foremost, with everything else I do—podcasts, videos, livestreams—secondary at best. I’ll always have an audience for what I do, even if it isn’t the largest, and I’m going to keep writing no matter what happens. And frankly, having a large audience is more of a curse than a blessing these days, given how many mega-popular dissident right figures have imploded in the past year. I’m always going to be here even as tastes change and fads fade.
By the time you read this, I’ll be on another train heading somewhere else in Eastern Europe. It’s not a bad life.
NOTE: This is a sponsored guest post by Jittery Monks. If you’re interested in advertising on my site, click here.
Since 1965, the U.S. government has given students over $700 billion dollars in student loans. According to a Nellie Mae study, the average amount of debt that an undergraduate student has is $18,900! College students could easily decrease the amount of money they borrow, but few have the discipline to do what it takes. College students lack the forethought necessary to stop spending so much on life and send some of that money toward their tuition bill, and instead just take it out in student loans because they won’t have to worry about them until six months after graduation. Here is a list of the worst offenders that college students spend money on that they probably shouldn’t!
The worst offender of all goes without saying: fast food. You can eat healthy while still being a lazy stoner. The typical college student probably goes out to eat around four times a week, for $6-7 a visit. That’s $25 a week on fast food, or $400 every semester. If you live in the dorms, you have a meal plan: use it! If you live off-campus, buy groceries; it’s so much cheaper than going out to eat! You’ll easily end up with $3,000 over your college career that could be used to reduce your student loan debt! It might not be the most fun now to not go out to eat, but after you graduate, those burgers will be gone, your belly will be bigger, and so will your student loans!
Textbooks are often necessary, but sometimes you honestly do not need to buy them. At the very minimum, check the syllabus before making a purchase. Ask someone who has taken the course before with the same professor as to whether the book is actually used in needed. In about 40 percent of classes, you really can get by quite easily without the book. In classes where you do need the books, chances are someone you know already has the book from when they took it, so ask if you can borrow it for a semester! If you do end up having to buy a book, don’t buy it from the bookstore, buy it online; you will easily save 50 percent of what you would have paid at the bookstore!
Snacking is another big area that college students fall short in. You might buy a pop or candy bar a few times a week from the machine, but you are paying so much more than you need to. Go to one of the major retailers such as WalMart or Costco. They have generic 12-packs of pop for $2.00 that taste just the same as regular pop, but instead of paying $.75 from a machine, you’re paying 17 cents for a can of pop, and who can beat that?
And at the end of the day, you don’t need to buy college itself! Or at least, not as much of it. There are many ways to lower how much you end up spending on college tuition. Students who are able to complete their degrees more quickly than normal can easily save thousands of dollars on tuition costs. This is especially valuable for students who want to earn a degree quickly, particularly for students who attend online courses through colleges like Western Governors University rather than students who travel to a physical location.
These are just a few examples. Depending on who you are, you might have a different vice. Whether it is new computer parts, an automobile you can’t afford, trips to the mall for some new clothes, or building your DVD collection, chances are there’s something you’re spending money on that you probably shouldn’t!
Unchecked homosexuality is the road to Sodom & Gomorrah. We don’t need the Bible to believe this is true anymore. Every single Western heterosexual man is about to encounter his own Lot moment when groups of gay men knock on his door demanding to “know” him. Lot’s offering of his daughters is not as bad as it first sounds because he knew those men wouldn’t touch that which is divinely and naturally ordained. Gays only wish to violate and desecrate everything that is holy and sacred, a truth even they will utter with pride and glee.
And by holy and sacred, I mean to desecrate and violate heterosexuality into oblivion.
This… is what many in the LGBTQ community think of our “choice” in sexual orientation.
It is not called a culture war for nothing. And the gays are taking no prisoners.
I wrote this after reading my first article by Milo Yiannopoulos titled “The Sexodus.” I quote and link to it below, words that got me absolutely seething with rage at the time. I have since become somewhat of a fan of Milo, but I still don’t believe he should be speaking for heterosexual men. The fact that he still is will vindicate every point I make in this post.
The style is more of a stream of consciousness rant than a tightly worded and edited essay. I think this style will resonate with a lot of heterosexual men because it is unfiltered, with no attempt to self-censor. This is what most heterosexual men think about homosexuality, and I suspect even the cucked liberals do too, if they could find an ear they could trust not to rat them out.
So without further ado, a letter to God from a heterosexual man.
Dear God,
I write today because I need someone I can talk to. I am a heterosexual man who absolutely loves your ultimate creation—woman—but something has seriously gone wrong with the fairer sex in the West. In regard to my own gender, well, when a gay man comes out fighting for male heterosexual rights, no matter what the plan may have initially been for humanity, the plan has officially gone FUBAR.
But then, that would be my naive and uninformed view of things. For I, clearly, have not your vision nor wisdom in order to understand just what the goal of the plan was in the first place.
I am writing to you today because I was chastised. Chastised by a gay man for not standing up for heterosexual men. I don’t believe he meant it as a chastisement, but it was. He is saying that heterosexual men should be doing more to stand up against the misandry and hate of feminism toward them in the West.
I wish to address this gay man. He won’t like my words, but then again, I am a man, a heterosexual one, and because my very existence is now offensive to Western society and culture, there is really nothing I can say or do that won’t offend everybody.
Naively, I was raised to believe a man was for a woman, and a woman a man.
As I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s, I was told this was a wrong and misguided view of the world. Told I say, because in hindsight, I was not allowed to think any differently if I wanted friends or employment. I was forced to accept this bullshit when I was naive and open to persuasion by those I thought were smarter than me, as they repeatedly reminded me that they were. I accepted the lies of feminism at face value. I was told that the archaic and patriarchally oppressive idea of the family, you know, husband and wife, father and mother, children and home… well… these were “oppressive.” Us heterosexual men were keeping women down, preventing their flowering by asking them to concentrate their natural gifts and talents toward caring and raising the future generation of mankind. See? I am still brainwashed to believe in gender roles, despite the years of re-education in right thinking.
What did I know? It sounded good to me. She works, I work, whatever. It will all work out in the end because I had no agenda against women. Why would I? I liked them, a lot!!!
Then, after breaking the patriarchally oppressive institution called marriage and getting the divorce rate to forever hover around 50 percent, the next wave of re-education for the stupid, oppressive and patriarchal heterosexual male began.
You know… men who like to stick their cock up another man’s ass, his shit hole, his poop pipe, his crap dispenser?
Sorry. I apologize for the harsh language. I hope you will forgive me, but for some reason, this whole gay thing—even more than feminism—has really got me questioning what the fuck happened to your plan for Man.
Seriously… Andrew Dice Clay had a career speaking the truth about gay culture and lifestyle!!! People paid to hear this kind of truth spoken and they laughed at it. Laughed, as with all comedy, because the Dice Man was spitting kernels of truth in comedic prose: the gay lifestyle is fucked up.
And no, God, no one is going to shame me for saying that. All anyone who is curious about gay life and culture has to do is a little research. Heterosexuals have their kinks and quirks, but they are nothing, nothing, compared to the deviation and sheer fucked-up-edness of the LGBT community. You know it. I know it. But we are not allowed to say so anymore in the feminist liberal West.
Today? Fuck! My ass will be in jail and some queer checking it out before I could say, “What hate speech, your honor?”
This… this… is how far sodomy has come to be accepted in western culture. Getting fucked up the ass, gay or straight, is now all the rage on campus and amongst teen youth. You may have razed Sodom and Gomorrah to the ground in the past, but it has risen from the ashes (or is that asses?) to take over almost the entire world, and most assuredly, the Western world. The message I, as a heterosexual man, am being repeatedly told via every form of media propaganda possible is this: normal heterosexuality, a male for a female, is not normal, and we must all become (or at least try, you vanilla normies), accept and embrace freaks.
And boy… are we fucking freaky now!!!
Ummm…. I’m only here because I saw a video of markiplier (awesome and super hot youtuber) with his shirt off and this song was playing.
– YouTube Commentor Vanessa Zamora on George Michael’s FREEEK music video
Vanessa Zamora expresses… in a very typical, modest, understated and polite fashion… just about any heterosexual’s reaction to this video publicly. Privately? This… is what we are no longer allowed to say as Andrew Dice Clay so perfectly and artistically illustrates in the clip above.
That is some fucked up shit.
I mean really…
You gotta love George, he always knew how to sing about sex and human perversion in such shocking dirty and damn good ways :)
– Anushka Chandramani
I find it interesting, God, that the woman you created to be Man’s partner so he not be alone, if given the choice, will consistently choose instead to engage in and celebrate all manner of human sexual perversion with wild abandon, given the freedom to do so.
I am no judge.
Judgement, when it comes, or if it will come at all for those still in doubt, is not for me.
Gays, lesbians, transgenders, bisexuals, furries (I’ll explain that in a minute)…
I have come to know, not believe, that all of this sexual and human perversion comes from ignorance.
Ignorance… of the act of procreation. The act you sanctified for begetting the next generation of Man.
In pre-history, before the written word, your Word, by which Man began to teach himself that which he knew not…
Man lived under the goddess, a matriarchy. Paternity, fatherhood… what is that?
Sex… lust… carnal… unbridled… animal…
Was engaged in by one and only one law…
Do as though wilt.
But then, as now, this was usually only enjoyed by the elite. To whit…
It’s as if gays are the only men left prepared to fight masculinity’s corner.
Gay emancipation, of course, may not have been a uniformly good thing for women. Depending on whose figures you believe—and you’re wise not to take the claims of gay advocacy groups or gay magazines too seriously, for obvious reasons—somewhere between 1 per cent and 10 per cent of the adult male population is gay. (It’s probably a lot closer to 1 per cent.)
Just a few decades ago, many of those men—at the risk of stereotyping, the most sensitive, artistic, attractive and highest-earning men; that is, perfect husband material—would have got married, had a few kids and led a double life to pursue their forbidden urges. They wouldn’t have bothered their wives for sex and they would have made great fathers.
But now they’re settling down with men, in many cases not having children at all. In other words, a healthy chunk of the most desirable men—men who no doubt would have cooed along approvingly to feminist exhortations—are now off the market, leaving even fewer eligible men in the dating pool.
(As a side note, here’s an argument you won’t read elsewhere: gay men test significantly higher, on average, for IQ, and we know that IQ is at least partially genetically determined. Gays don’t reproduce as much now they don’t have to keep up the pretence of straight relationships. In fact, surveys say they barely reproduce at all.
Is it too much of a stretch to ask whether society’s newfound tolerance of homosexuals has made society… well, a bit more stupid? Granted, it sounds far-fetched. But while there’s no doubt that liberating gay men from the shame of their secret double lives has been a moral imperative, driven by compassion, no rapid social change comes without trade-offs.)
This… is the core of feminism. A narcissistic view that as a gender, as females, they are superior to men.
Then we have gay men who seem to also have the same view of themselves. The above has pretty much been my experience in meeting them. Gays believe they are the pinnacle of manhood and masculinity. They will never say it out loud, but they believe it. Even in this article, a good one I will admit in defence of the wrongs against heterosexual men by feminism, a gay man could not restrain himself from declaring the following:
He belongs to the one percent (and yes, all the current cultural connotations associated with that term).
Gay men are superior and the best life mates/partners for a heterosexual woman.
Gay men are intellectually superior in IQ to the heterosexual norm.
The lack of high IQ gay men not having children is, theoretically, dumbing down the human race and making society more stupid.
Only a gay man could come to such conclusions. For he, after all, is the centre of the universe. One look at gay culture screams one and only one conclusion: I am fabulous and the whole world should know it!!! Can I get snap?
Well, I might not be as smart as Milo, but I am smart enough to know you don’t put your cock up another man’s ass.
Or any ass for that matter. Shit comes out of there, for fuck’s sake!!!
And Milo wonders why heterosexual men don’t speak up?
Why the fuck should we? Why should I? Why am I writing about this damn shit?
Because that is what all of the above quoted words by Milo are: complete, total and utter shit.
I am not dismissing the spirit with which Milo writes. I am dismissing the attitude, the arrogance, the pride, as a gay man toward heterosexual men. Pride which, as a heterosexual man, I am no longer allowed to feel, let alone express.But I can’t say that now, God. No. They—liberals and feminists—call it hate speech. They say I have anger issues. It is a given I will be accused of being a closet homosexual.
This… this… is the world I now live in as a Son of Adam.
Gay men would love to believe heterosexual men will accept them into the club of Man: you know, the other 99 percent of us that for some reason have a natural sexual urge for female pussy, not male ass? I know the gay search for an amazing TOP in bed, Milo. Those pure, testosterone fueled, absolute masculine bodies and minds that bottoms (the majority of gay men in sexual position choice) are always lusting for, and lamenting in not finding, because so few gay men are actually Men!!!
Gays claim that heterosexual men wrongly fear they are all out to make them gay. Well, there is some truth in that fear because gays WANT masculine men. You can’t be gay as long as you desire pussy, so we need to do something about that, hmmmm? For all our pathetic sense of fashion, slovenly grooming, stunted intelligence and utter unsuitability to heterosexual women as marriage partners, as husbands and fathers…
Heterosexual men are pure masculinity.
And nothing is sexier that us heteros. We want pussy. Period. Not ass, and that is why gays are out to convert us all. Gay men would love nothing more than to turn every heterosexual man at least bi, so they could have access to the most prime male beefcake on the planet.
Nothing, nothing… is sacred to feminists and the gay agenda of turning the whole of humanity into sexual freeeks like them.
God, do you know how hard it was for me to not vomit during this scene?
I love Danial Craig. What he and the Bond team did to revive the series was phenomenal.
And by revive it, what do I mean?
They made Bond human.
They had Bond fall in love in the first of the series, Casino Royale, and by far the best of the three. To show that the armour of a man can be broken by a woman that truly demonstrates, by her words and actions, that she gives a shit about him. That he has someone he can talk to. To open up with. And par for the course, she uses him. The armour goes back on, never to come off again, now being the wiser to the nature of the female and becomes the Man every man wants to be in his dreams and fantasies.
But you know what all the talk of the relaunch of Bond was about, God?
I shit you not.
Gay men wondering if Bond swung both ways.
Remember those sexy blue trunks in the beach scene, Milo? Mmmmm hmmm… heterosexual beef that will forever be off limits to you!!!
You can forget the gay dream that ALL men must be SOMEWHAT inclined to swing. After all, you do, so it must be natural, right?
Buddy? It ain’t. It just fucking ain’t.
This being not just the feminist 21st century, but the gay 21st century as well, the liberal press was all a-flutter about how they could get a gay theme worked into a future Bond plot. You know, to “update” Bond with the times. The times of course being completely fucking gay!!!
So God, I had to sit through this shit… one of the LAST refuges of pure masculinity for heterosexual men in the film world that is true old school… and watch once again as a white, heterosexual male is made gay—or at least attempted—to prove to me—a heterosexual man—that I am simply persona non gratis.
Now that I think about it, God, there is a deeper gay subtext to this particular Bond series. That deep message is this:
Burned by a female?
Had your heart broken by a woman?
Go gay!!!
Once you go through the back door, you’ll never want to enter by the front again.
It’s not just video games and casual sex that young men are retreating into. They are also immersing themselves in fetishes that to their grandparents’ generation would resemble grounds for incarceration, and which drive them further away from the formerly fairer sex. Consider, for example, the example of furry culture and anthropomorphic animal sex fetishism, both of which are experiencing explosive growth, fuelled by the internet.
Jack Rivlin’s student newspaper The Tab, which we encountered in part one, has noticed the trend spreading on UK campuses. (It’s already rife throughout the US.) Other alternative sexual behaviours, including homosexuality and transgenderism, are more prevalent on campus now too.
“It’s eminently plausible that there are a greater number of people who identify as homosexual, bisexual or other sexualities who are happy to be labelled as such these days,” agrees Cambridge Union president Tim Squirrell, from whom we heard in part one, speaking about the students he sees passing through his Union. “I think we’re becoming more open and accepting of people who live different kinds of lifestyles and have different kinds of identities.”
What are you going to do when men forsake even men and take to animals instead?
Even if the furry craze of new-age sexuality is just make believe cosplay, it still has a very dark and disturbing message, as Milo is right to point out.
This is why I write you today, God.
I am not even remotely going to claim piety or pureness. You know my heart and my life better than anyone.
But where… where… can I go to be free to live as I believe Man should live?
To live a life of truth, beauty and justice? To desire women, hot beautiful women, and not be shamed for it? To not be constantly assaulted and told my heterosexual values about family and sexual morality are not just wrong, but hate crimes? To say in public what EVERY SINGLE SEXUAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL will say to someone inquiring about anal sex: that it is the single most dangerous sex act that can lead to death (AIDS) and bowel difficulties for life that any human being can partake in for “pleasure?”
I have never met Milo. I am sure he is a good man. And I say “man” because he clearly is one and is not ashamed of it.
But he and I would never be close friends.
I have met a few gay men in my life. I have talked to them. It’s not easy coming out. Drugs. Alcoholism. The utter reckless and dangerous sexual adventurism by many when they first embrace who they are and some never mature out of it. Even today, in the gay 21st century, it is still a big deal to come out as being gay. Declaring to the world, your family and friends, that you want cock up your ass or to put yours in another man’s ass? It’s traumatizing and I don’t think gay men ever truly leave behind the struggle they have with their sexual life choice. Even if they come to accept it, and society comes to accept it, they will forever know the norm is to be heterosexual, and they don’t swing the normal way.
As Milo points out, these gay men, if given a free choice, also don’t want children, just like feminists. Where they would have married in the past and fathered kids to blend in, they now openly avoid children and live only for themselves. Is it any wonder feminists eventually came to embrace gays and promote their lifestyle?
Never mind the moral and ethical ease with which a gay man would marry a heterosexual woman and father children while leading a sexually dangerous and secret life as a gay man.
No… no children. Nothing but an obsessive obsession with your number one source of happiness – yourself (and male ass!!!! Be warned, clicking that link leads to chocolate!!!).
For in truth, Man does not have children for selfish reasons of ego. To propagate his line. To leave a personal legacy, although all of these aspects do come into play as a natural extension of being a father.
Men have children out of love and to be selfless.
Unconditional love.
Selfless giving.
This… is the heart of a heterosexual man’s soul.
Sounds a lot like you, eh God? Well, we humans down here don’t want any part of that anymore. Old school, they say. Oppressive, they say. Obsolete, they say.
No longer “normal,” they say.
Three minutes… forty-four seconds… of liberal feminism and the gay agenda telling me…
Heterosexual man? What’s that? Never heard of it. Does not exist.
We have children now for purely selfish reasons. To make money as a surrogate apparently, but for the most part, to blend in, to be accepted by those weird “normal” people, the mass heterosexual majority of fucking humanity, who keep going about living the “normal” way anyway, husband and wife, mother and father, despite the horrific chances of divorce for us heterosexual men in the West.
Sorry God. I might be rambling here now. The mind tends to become unhinged just a tad in isolation when you have no one you can talk to. Sure, there are men’s blogs out there now, but the majority of them are obsessed with either getting laid or raging about hypergamous gynocentric women and society. I still like girls—a lot—but there is no being with them anymore. So I fit into neither camp of the emerging Western man. I have never defined my masculinity by whether or not I am fucking a woman, so the PUA and game community is no place for me. The men fighting feminism? The MRAs and MGTOWs? Shit… who wants to be around such angry souls?
I appreciated Milo’s article. It articulated so much of what is happening in the world to punish heterosexual men by feminists, but it was clear from the tone of the article that while Milo laments the state of heterosexual man, really, he’s doing it for the girls who no longer have gay men to marry to make smart babies with a superior male specimen.
Milo just wants a few good heterosexual guys to get laid more so women won’t be so unhappy.
Same shit, different pile. And I ain’t shovelling it anymore for anyone.
This is the video that led me to Milo’s article. The ladies sure like Paul Joseph Watson. I suspect a lot of gay men might as well.
And you know why?
He is speaking truth and reporting on injustice.
But he is also clearly outside the system.
And this is precisely what Milo says has happened to mainstream, heterosexual men.
We have left. And for good reason.
Heterosexual men are simply not wanted in the West any more.
Especially… especially… if you are poor and not one of the elite.
So God, what’s a heterosexual guy to do?
For now, I am writing this blog. But this was written on a day where I had already written a post to stop writing and shut it down.
I am worried—as any heterosexual man should be today—of being arrested for my thoughts. It’s happening now. The beginning of the end is here: the jailing of heterosexual men for the crime of heterosexuality.
And Milo wonders why we hetero men stay silent.
Milo sits at the pinnacle of the liberal elite media, a gay man surrounded by women and castrated heterosexual men, and wonders why men like me don’t have a voice or why we have given up trying to express one?
At some point, Milo, you have to pick the battles you can win, and walk away from the ones you will lose.
And with jail time now a real possibility for the crime of being a heterosexual male… well…
For all the claims of violence, anger and hatred we white, male, heterosexual men have toward women and the world, for some strange reason, we are not coming out fighting.
The reason is… we are men of peace.
We are men of love.
We are men of faith.
Even if that faith is faith in nothing at all, it is still a belief and one many atheists are proud now to proclaim is the truth.
At least an atheist believes there is still truth out there.
Feminists? Liberals?
I would disagree with the atheist of course, but the one thing all heterosexual men can agree on is this:
Getting ass-fucked by a man is fucked up.
And we don’t need an ass-fucker (or fuckee? Milo comes across as a bottom to me) telling us we should be standing up for the heterosexual values and lifestyle. (P.S. Milo? That means accepting that nine out of ten men you meet will tell you that getting fucked up the ass is fucked up, in case I did not make that clear above.)
Don’t like my words, Milo?
Well, maybe you should go back to the feminist camp that has shut us heterosexuals down. You were never really on our side anyway.
Personally, I have faith, God, that your plan is going perfectly according to plan.
Everything is as it should be.
And my role… my part… as a heterosexual man… is too simply walk away from…
the lies
the corruption
the perversity
the greed
the selfishness
the pride
the lust
the vanity
…that have become the Western, feminist, liberal and gay worlds.
I won’t be missed.
No one cares about me.
No one wants me.
No one believes I even exist anymore.
I have left the field of battle.
I have turned toward that which is true.
I have placed my faith in you, He who will forgive all who believe, who shun and condemn sin and vice, who admonish and advise Man to improve himself, do good and prepare for death.
I have trust that in living a life of anonymity and non-confrontation with the feminist West in real life…
I will be doing more to change the world and condemn those who have wronged heterosexual man by my silence and my withdrawing of consent to be demonized and punished for simply being who I am.
A good man.
A heterosexual man.
So, Milo, don’t speak for me, for heterosexual men.
We don’t need your help, nor do we want it.
You are not one of us, despite having the required equipment.
My father is the gold standard of love and patience in Man.
I fully absorbed those life lessons. I believed them and lived them.
My patience and love has been worn out.
It’s finished.
It’s over.
The coming patriarchal revolution will be what it was the first time round in Greece with mighty Zeus:
Some time ago, I saw one of Matt Forney’s articles in my Twitter feed entitled “5 Reasons Why Girls with Tattoos and Piercings are Broken.” My initial knee-jerk reaction was to think, “Hey, I resemble that remark!,” but since I do resemble it, getting upset over it would do me no good. I did not read the article since I did not want to be reminded of my imperfect brokenness at that time; the title spoke to me as truth and that was enough.
In my biased defense, my body mods are small, sweet and discreet. But just because I am not sleeved out in skulls nor have dangle-bobs hanging off my face it does not mean I am not broken, because I am broken and I work hard to hide it.
But why am I broken? That is the question I have not been able to answer until the past few weeks. I always thought it was just me being a fucked-up girl by design and that was how I was born. I had never considered that my brokenness may come from somewhere or from someone I least suspect. Once I discovered this bitter root which has caused me to become broken, I knew that I had to write about it to help others understand where their brokenness may come from and/or the brokenness of people in their lives.
The crux of this crazy conundrum is that I cannot write about it on my own blog due to my abuser—the cause of my brokenness—reading my blog. Not so much because they will abuse me any more than they already do by disregarding my feelings and condescendingly laughing at me, but because they live in a state of denial that no one can shatter. Secondly, a blog post inspired by them (even if it is to expose them) would only make their powers grow since, due to the denial, they are unable to be confronted nor are they able to accept what they are.
Big thanks to Matt for helping me reach people, especially men, through his site. Men must know what to be aware of and understand what some adult women have lived in, and what they, the men themselves, may have lived in without knowing it; or more accurately, what they may have lived under: the thumb of a narcissistic mother. Because of this, I do not blame men for not wanting women in their lives any more than they can tolerate. Trust me, sometimes I am all the woman I can tolerate, so I get it.
Now, I do not use the words “narcissist” or “abuser” lightly, but it is my truth based upon research when compared to the scary spot-on similarities in my own life. Granted, there are at least two sides to every story, so bear in mind you are only hearing one side to this story, yet it is the side that needs to be heard since it is often disregarded and ridiculed by narcissistic abusers.
Due to the work of professionals who have shared their knowledge and insight online for people to research freely, I feel that I can now say with a strong sense of assurance that my brokenness is ultimately the result of having a narcissistic mother who, more likely than not, only had children to serve her whims, mimic her likeness, and make her look good for others. Oh, the disappointment I have been!
You see, a narcissist does not have children because they want to love and nurture little humans so they can grow into healthy individuals and be successful on their terms. Rather, a narcissist has children because they need reassurance in their own self, they need to feed their ego, and because they want someone to unquestionably do their bidding; so say I, the lackey gas-pumping, errand-running, house-cleaning daughter, but I digress.
To deny that I was abused during my formative years (and am currently still being abused) is only a sign of how abused I am; talk about a totally FUBAR situation! Sure, I may not be physically bruised, nor do I have black eyes or marks from a wire hanger; however, my spirit is severely bruised, my sense of self has been beaten out of me time and time again to the point that I question if I am the crazy one who belongs in an institution, and to top it off I have entertained suicidal thoughts since the age of 13 (over 20 years of my life). The empirical fact that I have survived without ever taking pharmaceuticals for my mental stability is a testament to an ineffable force that lies within me. Thus, that which does not kills us makes us.
And yet, in spite of this mirage that I have lived in my whole life, I do love my mother and I want her to be well, even though the research tells me that will not likely happen since narcissists are unable to recognize what they are. Such is the twisted futility of my life and, more likely than not, the lives of many others.
Since this is how I feel about myself due to being raised under a neglectful and self-centered parent, it tells me there are others suffering from the same lot and may not know it, just like I didn’t know it. I am not so far gone in my subconsciously-inherited narcissistic traits to think I am the only one like this in the world; I know I am not that special. Sadly, that is also a sign of my abuse under a narcissistic mother, to put myself down because I cannot be that special since that is what she has made me believe about myself. FUBAR, indeed!
Well, the good news is that knowing is half the battle; the rest of the battle lies in kicking ass and fighting back. Now that I know what the root of my problem is—a narcissistic mother—I can now prepare myself with tools via knowledge in order to fight the battles on my terms. It is not my intention to place blame and leave it at that, far from it, but without first recognizing where my problems come from I cannot move forward into a healthier and, relatively speaking, mentally stable life.
Being raised by a narcissist makes it more likely for me to become narcissistic and take on those traits unknowingly; monkey see, monkey do, your kids learn by watching you. The more I learn about narcissistic mothers, the more I see where some of my traits come from which scares me on many levels; not for my own self but for the people in (and no longer in) my life who have been subjected to my unhealthy behaviors without my knowledge.
As well, I now have to reexamine all my relationships with the people I have let into my life over the years, both in person and online, because I most likely have—no, I know I have—unhealthy relational patterns based on my upbringing. The same as women that fall for a man who abuses them because that is how they were raised, growing up as a female with an abusive, narcissistic mother has blinded me to knowing what is healthy in a relationship with anyone, whether it be men or women.
You see, when you don’t know what you don’t know, it is hard to correct what you don’t know, because you don’t know that you don’t know it; and if other people don’t know it, then they don’t know what they don’t know and they are unable to help. Thus, the FUBAR cycle will repeat ad nauseam.
Fortunately, the light of hope that comes from discovering all this darkness is that I now have the tools and the talent to change myself by correcting the narcissistic traits through knowledge and insight, from not only professionals but daughters who have fought the battles and lived to share their stories in order to help others.
So, what are the traits of a narcissistic person? Herein enters the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; more commonly referred to as the DSM, versions IV and V (4 and 5) are the most current editions.
Grandiose sense of self-importance, exaggerates achievements & talents;
Preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, beauty, brilliance;
Believes themselves to be special or unique, and can only be understood by others of high status;
Requires excessive admiration;
A sense of entitlement such as unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment or automatic compliance with their expectations;
Interpersonally exploitative by taking advantage of others to achieve their own ends;
Lacks empathy, unwilling to recognize or identify needs and feelings of others;
Often envious of others or believes others are envious of them;
Displays arrogant, haughty behaviors and attitudes.
Please keep in mind that this is a professional diagnostic manual that is continuously being revised and is designed to be used by trained professionals. There are many factors that go into diagnosing a person with any condition listed in the manual and these are only a handful of the factors; professionals disagree amongst themselves as to proper diagnoses when using this manual; as well, the manual has come under scrutiny by professionals as to whether the manual itself is bias towards certain individuals. Hence, caveat lector: let the reader beware.
However, sooner or later a person must think for themselves and apply what they know and have experienced firsthand; so say I, the writer of this article. I am not a mental health professional, though I have taken down testimony of numerous mental health experts and professionals via court proceedings; I have had the DSM applied by professional psychologists on myself for depression, anxiety, and PTSD; plus, I research information by professionals. I encourage others to think independently, read as much as possible from experts and professionals, and consult with professionals should a person feel the need.
Therein lies the beauty of the Internet; there is tons of information provided by trained and working professionals who apply the DSM in their daily work, and those professionals offer resources in laymen’s terms that non-professionals can understand, relatively speaking of course. A couple resources I have utilized through my research that may help others are as follows.
A helpful survey entitled “Is This Your Mom?” is linked at the bottom along with other resources. I recommend reading the survey as a starting point to determine if you, or someone you know, may have been impacted by a narcissistic mother.
This site is run by Michelle Piper, marriage and family therapist. She has a free 38-page e-book available to download (I highly recommend); it includes a self-assessment and score sheet and provides easy-to-understand oversight to address and cope with the reality of having a narcissistic mother.
In order to download the e-book, you need to sign up for the email list (I also recommend), which offers helpful emails every few days that address how to cope and overcome the damage of having a narcissistic mother in one’s life. The site’s main page features a helpful 10-minute video of Michelle Piper discussing the impact of narcissistic mothers on children and the categories children are divided into.
A few more websites that are helpful starting points which offer resources via information, forums, stories, guidance, and tools to help people learn how to deal with a narcissistic mother are:
Motherrr!: Rebuilding relationships… one mother-daughter at a time.
Please keep in mind that professionals offer services; their free information is a way to promote and sell their services and/or books. However, that does not mean the information is incorrect. These are not the only websites that deal with this topic and I encourage people to continue researching until they feel for themselves that they have found what it is they are looking for that will help them best. As I stated already, think for yourself; apply what you know for yourself because everyone’s situation is different.
I do not make any money by recommending the information from these professionals. If you would like to thank me for my writing services by way of a donation, a private e-mail, or hire me to write for you, please do so here. This article is written in the hopes of helping others understand the gravity and underlying impact of narcissistic mothers so that they may help themselves and/or help people in their own lives that may be (unknowingly) living in such a FUBAR situation. Thank you.
Eve Penman is a former court reporter, a Jill with mad skills, and a renegade with a cause. Learn more about her by visiting her blog.
That’s the unofficial motto of our times. Americans fear nothing more than death. The federal deficit is sky-high because Baby Boomers are abusing Medicare so they can stuff their faces with prescription pills of every variety, anything to postpone the inevitable. Ads for suicide prevention hotlines are ubiquitous, and Christians condemn people who take their own lives as immoral. Life is great! Why would anyone not want to be alive?
From my perspective though, death looks like a pretty good career move.
Take Kurt Cobain. Last year, the twentieth anniversary of Nirvana’s Nevermind, we got treated to a week-long orgy of self-congratulatory GenX tearjerking. Poor Kurt, tragic genius crushed by his self-doubts. Why didn’t he choose life?
I don’t want to rag on Cobain too much; annoying whiner though he was, he was a talented musician and songwriter. But the only reason people worship him is because he killed himself. If Kurt had chosen life, he would have quickly faded into J Mascis-esque irrelevance. “Who’s J Mascis?” you ask. My point made.
Or take John Lennon. If there’s a heaven, Lennon ought to be up there thanking God that he was gunned down by a fat manboy, spared from devolving into a grotesque monstrosity like his fellow Beatles. I mean, have you seen Paul McCartney lately? Ghastly.
How about Jim Morrison? Do you think crazed Doors fans would be mobbing his grave if he’d put down the smack and died peacefully of old age?
Amy Winehouse? Sales of her albums skyrocketed after her liver gave out, nevermind that only her first one is worth listening to.
This extends outside the realm of music as well. Take Marilyn Monroe. Once you adjust for “moral inflation,” you realize that she was nothing but the Kim Kardashian of her day, her only talent being standing around and looking pretty.
Choosing death was the smartest career move she could have made.
Sylvia Plath? If she hadn’t choked on gas fumes, people might actually have the courage to laugh at those poems where she rages against her daddy for not hugging her enough. I’m not kidding you; she has a poem where she compares him to a Nazi.
And college students are expected to take this drivel seriously.
Yup, if you’re a prospective artist, death looks like a pretty great bargain. But you have to do it right.
The best time to die is when you’re at your career’s apogee or close to it. Obviously, if you die before you become famous, you just become another statistic. But if you wait too long, after your career has shriveled up, nobody will care. There are some exceptions to this rule, Hunter Thompson being the most notable. Now there’s a guy who was courageous to the end; he was sick of life and figured that age 67 was a good enough time to check out of the hotel. The cowards who feasted on his corpse have not a tenth of his bravery and honesty.
Elvis Presley is a case study in how to go about dying the wrong way. By the time Elvis kicked the bucket, he was a fat loser relegated to performing in Vegas, world capital of has-beens. All that coronary did was cement his place as a punchline for late-night TV hosts. Whitney Houston is another star who took too long to die; now that we’re past the two weeks grieving, she’s been dumped in her grave and forgotten.
Cobain, Monroe, Winehouse, Morrison, they all did it the right way. They were around long enough to make their mark on the world, but not long enough for us to get sick of them.
There’s some people out there who will interpret this blog post as a cry for help. “Don’t do it, Matt! You have so much to live for! Choose life!”
Relax, hombre. I’m not planning on dying anytime soon.
At least not until I’ve had the pleasure of kicking some of you pious motherfuckers in the teeth.