Smart and SeXy is an Incisive Look at the Differences Between Men and Women


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If you’re a regular reader of Return of Kings or other dissident right websites, I don’t need to explain to you why feminism is a bad ideology. It’s scientifically unsound, personally abhorrent, and goes against every tenet of natural law and social organization. However, while we may know deep down that feminism is bad public policy, where are the facts showing this? Where are the studies and reports that will convince the “citation needed” crowd?

Fortunately, we no longer need to do our own research into this subject, because Roderick Kaine has done it for us.

Smart and SeXy, released recently by venerable dissident right publishing house Arktos, is a thorough compendium of scientific research debunking feminism. Kaine, a neoreactionary blogger also known as “Atavisionary,” has done yeoman’s work into not only examining the differences between men and women, but explaining how these differences make feminism not only wrong, but insane.

While much of Smart and SeXy’s content may seem like old hat for many ROK readers, Kaine’s exhaustive research and meticulous citations make the book a must-read for anyone who wants some solid data to back up their arguments. Additionally, the book is also a good read for newbies due to its breadth of facts and neutral, even-handed tone.

Just the Facts, Ma’am

Smart and SeXy is structured in a logical fashion, focusing on hard statistics and science initially, before opening up into more esoteric and opinion-based content. Kaine frames the introductory chapters by dissecting the popular claim that women lag behind men in various metrics due to widespread discrimination, often defined as the “patriarchy.” Kaine explains that scientific research consistently shows that differences between men and women are rooted in physiology rather than social conditioning, comparing patriarchy theory to Lysenkoism in its near-total lack of factual grounding:

Moving in the controversial direction of studying gender differences in intelligence, no doubt, would thus be professionally untenable for a Psychologist even if they wanted to. The former president of Harvard, Lawrence Summers, was on the receiving end of a great deal of hatred for just suggesting the possibility that men and women might have innate aptitude differences even though such ideas are robustly supported empirically. The entire world revealed their spite for truth in its response to his honest inquiry, which ultimately forced him to resign from Harvard and later prevented him from being appointed chairmen of the Federal Reserve despite being the better candidate. Nancy Hopkins, a “biologist” who no doubt achieved her position through affirmative action rather than raw skill, notably allowed her emotions to overwhelm her during his talk and walked out. She bleated “I felt I was going to be sick. My heart was pounding and my breath was shallow.” Her excessive sentiments are notable as a female stereotype which in this case has the ring of truth. If she hadn’t walked out she “would have either blacked out or thrown up,” she quaveringly mused. All this is strangely reminiscent of the emotional fainting trope in older movies. That she has the audacity to claim to be a biologist is astounding.

Kaine’s tone through the book can best be described as “edgy academic,” explaining the facts with little fuss. While fans of more polemical prose might find his style dry at times, his detached attitude helps bolster the credibility of Smart and SeXy by giving the book a neutral tone. People who are on the fence when it comes to gender issues could easily have their thinking changed by Kaine’s approach. Despite this, he still manages to slip in a zinger every now and then, keeping the book from getting dull.

From these initial chapters, Kaine moves to a point-by-point discussion of various gender-related subjects and the relevant science involving them. These include obvious points such as gender disparities in IQ to more obscure ones such as autism and its greater prevalence in men: indeed, the chapter “Autism and the Extreme Male Brain” is one of Smart and SeXy’s standouts. Another pair of chapters analyze the evidence for “hypergamy,” the oft-ballyhooed manosphere term for the female tendency to date up:

Studies have found that mothers, and not fathers, are the main influence on daughter’s sexuality. Mothers talk much more to their daughters about sex than any other parent-child interaction on the subject. In so far as fathers talked to their daughters about the topic, there was no influence on sexual behavior, whereas the greater a mother talked with her daughter, the later she began having sex. Again, female influence leads to lower rates of promiscuity.

The final chapters of the book are where Kaine moves from the realm of pure factual discussion to an analysis of feminism’s effects on government policy and society. Kaine explains why feminism is economic and cultural insanity, pointing out how wealth redistribution to women (in the form of welfare programs such as TANF, combined with the fact that women pay less taxes on average than men) amounts to a mass “cuckolding” of Western men. Kaine singles out Obamacare as a recent example of this, pointing out how socialized medicine primarily benefits women at the expense of taxpaying men:

The recent introduction of the “affordable” health care act also acts as a wealth transfer from working age men to women. Men go to the doctor and need medical care much less frequently than women. Before the new health care law, insurers were able to adjust prices based on gender to reflect actual costs. No more. Now men and women cannot be charged differently based on actual medical care use and single men are even required to pay for personal coverage which can only benefit women, such as maternity coverage. The result is that healthcare costs for young men have increased substantially more than for women of all ages. The average increase was 56% for men compared to 4% for women though in specific areas the average increase for young men has been as high as 200%. Car insurance shows the opposite pattern where men are made to pay more due to their greater likelihood of getting into catastrophic crashes (women are more likely to have an accident, but those are usually minor). Unsurprisingly, there has been no attempt to enforce “equality” in this situation.

Feminism isn’t merely a fringe ideology: it’s a societal cancer that is dragging down economic growth, slowing scientific progress, and driving a wedge between men and women. Fortunately, in “The Extinction of Feminism” and a number of other concluding chapters, Kaine points out that feminism has ensured its own destruction by breeding a generation of women ill-suited to the pressures of life in late-capitalist society.

At every turn, Kaine’s claims about feminism and gender differences are assiduously backed up with citations, a sprawling mass of endnotes pointing the reader towards the countless sources he used in composing the book. For more skeptical readers who demand hard proof of everything, Smart and SeXy’s endnotes are one of the most valuable portions of the book, showing that anti-feminists’ claims are rooted in solid science and economics.

Taming the Shrews

Where I dispute Kaine is in his confidence that feminism will eat itself. It’s true that feminism—or “white feminism,” as it’s now being termed by racial grievance-mongers—is slowly being ejected from the Coalition of the Fringes that is the modern left. One only needs to look at the popularity of attacks on “BBQ Beckys,” “Permit Patties” and other leftist white women who call the police on black people for minor criminal infractions. This change has been happening for some time and will accelerate as Western countries become increasingly non-white, as minorities have little sympathy for “manspreading” and other white girl problems.

However, these attacks come at a time when white women are at the peak of their power. A combination of male thirst and technologically-induced social retardation have made it possible for even plain or unattractive women to attain unearned status. Any marginally attractive woman can open a Tinder or Instagram account and have her head gassed up by numerous orbiters pledging to suck farts out of her ass, swelling her head and making her believe she’s a supermodel. As Delicious Tacos commented recently, the female wall no longer exists, and until it returns, women will never feel the consequences of their dissolute lifestyles. Add in such things as #MeToo and it looks like feminism won’t be going down without a fight.

Having said this, the current social paradigm is one that cannot last, and Smart and SeXy is a thorough and detailed explanation as to why. Roderick Kaine’s book is one of the absolute best on the subject of feminism and the sexes, whether you’re a veteran manospherian looking for some debate ammunition or a normie who wants to know what the fuss is all about. I heartily recommend Smart and SeXy as a one-stop shop for anti-feminist talking points, backed up by solid science and economics.

Click here to buy Smart and SeXy.

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